
4 Suggestions to Improve Your Online Communication & Writing Skills

Think about how messages used to be transferred — via code, horse, bird, mail carrier… Now it’s as easy as a few thumb taps, sending a text message, email, social media post or other digital communication within seconds.

So it’s critical to develop your online communication and writing skills to make sure your point gets across to your readers. Are you considering how your voice comes across online to your returning and prospective customers? If you’re looking for ways to improve how you communicate with your audience online — and tools you can use — you’ve clicked on the right blog. Here are four suggestions for improvement:

  1. Know Your Keywords
    In order for your website and blogs to reach people’s search engine results, you have to include the words your audience and prospective customers are searching for. Spend time getting to know your average customer and what they are searching for so that you can incorporate those keywords into your website to make sure your site populates within the search results. Think like your customer. What do they want to know? Use Google Ads: Keyword Planner for help.
  2. Use Spell Check
    This may seem obvious but some typos still manage to sneak through. Grammarly is very useful and one of my favorite writing tools for catching those small (or big) errors. You can integrate it into your keyboard and activate it within other apps on your computer. There’s a free and premium version. Check it out.
  3. Write Engaging Headlines
    Keep scanning in mind. You only have a few seconds to convince your reader to click, so you should pay special attention to what your headlines say. Create a dialogue with your readers. Let them know what they’re going to learn, read, and explore in a section; then let them know what to do with the information that’s given. Use this free Headline Analyzer tool.
  4. Get To The Point
    Whether reading a social media post, an email, or a website you want to find what you are looking for without having to perform too many clicks or too much scrolling. Let your visitors know what you do, what you offer, and how you solve their problems. They’re already on your website or signed up for your newsletter, give them the answers they’re looking for vs. having them do more work to find help. Use this word counter tool to help you stay away from getting too wordy.

To write clearly, and to write content that grabs your readers, these are just a few pointers and tools I acquired throughout my writing career and experience as a copywriter. I hope they help you too. But if you don’t feel up to the challenge… (I get it, not everyone enjoys writing) visit our contact page, and we can do the writing for you as part of an integrated services package.

